Attendance Policy & Participation

You are expected to attend all class meetings on time, having done the readings, thought about the material, and prepared to engage in discussion and in-class activities. This is not a lecture course, so active participation and engagement is required.

Active participation means informed participation: it means joining the conversation not simply to speak your mind or hear your voice, but to engage deeply and respectfully with the assigned texts and your classmates’ perspectives. Active participation also requires checking your email at least once a day to see if you have any messages from your professor or classmates regarding the class. It involves checking the course website several times a week in order to follow the up-to-date calendar and to read, publish, and comment on new posts.

Attendance will be taken regularly—students who are present in class but who are unprepared or do not participate adequately will be marked as absent. Being late 3 times counts as an absence. Students who miss a class should find out what they missed from their classmates and learn the material on their own.

Classroom Courtesy

Laptops and tablet computers may be used in class, but only for classroom activities such as referencing online texts and taking notes. The use of smart phones, MP3 players, and portable game systems during class is unacceptable. Texting, e-mailing, instant messaging, and other communication tools are also prohibited, so turn off all social media and notifications as soon as you enter Studio D. Late arrivals and early departures from class are disruptive and should be avoided. Please try to use the restroom before or after class.

Honor Code

All work must be completed by you and submitted for this class only and no other. No matter how informal the post or assignment, you must CITE YOUR SOURCES, so that your readers can retrace your research. All blog posts and assignments must include complete bibliographic citations for ALL texts, images, and media used (including assigned texts) following MLA Style (Rules for Writers includes a basic MLA style guide, the OWL at Purdue has a searchable guide, and I’ve posted an MLA Style Synopsis on our website, which both describes and models MLA Style). As we migrate into digital environments, citation practices change. The important thing is to acknowledge all sources quoted, paraphrased, and consulted, in a clear and consistent way that allows your reader to locate the original source. Hyperlinks are helpful additions, but they do not substitute for a full citation.

Image use: Use to find images that are in the public domain, and remember that you must still follow any citation practices requested by the creator of the image. Use the caption area to identify the author and/or title of the image, when available, and include a full image citation in your Works Cited. You may also embed a link to the original source in the image and/or citation, but a link does NOT constitute a citation.

You are encouraged to see me for help, to use the Writing Center, and to exchange writing with classmates in this class ONLY, provided you indicate in your pledge or in an Acknowledgements section who helped you and how.

Late Work Policy

Due dates are listed in the syllabus. Work handed in after these deadlines will be considered late and marked unsatisfactory. You may exchange a token to get credit for late work. If you need an extension, you must clear it with me a week before the assignment is due.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Full accommodations are the legal right of students with all kinds of disabilities, whether learning or physical.  If you have a disability documented by Davidson College and might need accommodations, please discuss this with me within the first week or two of class, so that I can learn how to best work with your learning style.  All such discussions will be confidential unless you otherwise stipulate.  For assistance through the Office of Academic Access and Disability Resources contact Mallory Hall at