This is slowly, veerrryyyy slowly coming together: Prototype 2

My goal in this prototype was toexplore the content of the book, rather than the structure of it.  I want my story to mainly be dialogue between two friends, and I want this dialogue to be presented through a text message thread.  My focus for this prototype was to figure out how I could create a dialogue that was realistic, and finding a way to create the artificial message thread.  I discovered that I could text myself and obtain the results that I wanted.


At first, I tried using my laptop to text my phone, but all that did was give me duplicate sent and received messages.  Soooo I had to go back to the drawing board and find a more effective way to develop the message thread. 


My second attempt worked out a lot better and I was able to produce the thread that I wanted.  I text myself from my phone and was able to produce a thread that had duplicate sent and response messages, but in the correct message order.  All I had to do was delete the duplicate message, and voilá, I had a working message thread for my book!

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