The process of creating my masterpiece: Book prototype 1

I had a general idea of what I wanted my story to be and how I wanted it to be told and communicated to the reader, but I felt that the structure of the book was what I needed to tackle first.  I want the story to be told through a series of text messages between two friends, and I felt that finding creative and engaging ways to present the messages to the reader would add value to the story and would make the experience of reading the book that more intimate, engaging and interactive for the reader.  I brainstormed a series of structures that I wanted to incorporate into my book and did samples of them on a practice booklet in order to understand how the organization of them influenced the flow of the story.  I want the story to be interactive, but I don’t want to overwhelm the reader with structures or bore them with repetitive tactile elements. I was able to come up 5 structures to incorporate this far, but in my next prototype I want to incorporate more so that every page spread has at least one interactive structure.  I also felt that some of my structures and the  organization of them could use some tweaking so that they better serve the reader and the portion of the story that they are telling.


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