First Prototype Reflection- Things I Learned and Things to Improve on

My goals in this prototype was to come up with a somewhat basic, cohesive plot. I wanted to simply tell a story with this first prototype, and make it a story that was personal. I drew from my memory a special day in my childhood, and dug up a distinct memory of the day our puppy golden retriever met out 4-year-old lab. Besides telling a simple story, one of my others goals was to bind without utilizing stitching. I also wanted to be able to portray reasonably believable sketches of dogs which I think I was able to accomplish. I think I missed out on the chance for including some more creative components in my book. I met all the requirements, but I think I could have gone further. I could have used magazine clippings, or explored other ways to make my book more unique. I didn’t have enough materials to truly explore creative options while working on the first prototype.


From this process, I learned of an efficient way to be able to bind without having to stich. I learned how to properly draw a dog. I learned how to manage my time, and not worry about perfecting every little detail of the book. I didn’t worry about the story not being entertaining or meaningful enough but rather just focused on displaying what I wanted to display. I think this prototype overall taught me how to loosen up in regards to assignments.


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