Writing My Memoir Before Anything Interesting Happens to Me: Prototype #1

My primary goal for this prototype was to ignore my nature and  not overthink the creative process.

As it turns out, it is possible to overthink when trying to do the very opposite. I felt paralyzed by my inability to casually come up with a subtly brilliant idea. So, as far as fulfilling my goals goes, I completely failed. That’s okay. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. I have had one idea from the start, comparing my childhood fears to the things I’m currently afraid of. However, I didn’t want to scare myself by thinking of scary things, so I only came up with one example. That’s fine. My example made it into the book and I think it is hilarious and I am proud of that. I wasn’t able to fill my book the way I had hoped. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. That’s why there are three prototypes. I couldn’t come up with anything but self-deprecating humor, which I am confident is a direct result of having disappointed myself in the creativity department. I chuckled to myself while creating it, partially out of embarrassment, but it is all in good fun. I think as I work on my next draft, I need to be okay with spending more time staring at a blank page. I also need to find some more creative solutions to being an unskilled sketch artist besides pasting family photos into my booklet. Sorry, mom and dad. Slow and steady wins the race.




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