“The Places I’ve Lived” trial 2


I enjoy the feel of my first prototype so much that I did not redo it. Instead, I enhanced it and added a page for Davidson. I did struggle with what to paint for Davidson. My type-A personality wanted to attempt main street, but that was a disaster. I hope by the next prototype  to have a much better page for the place I have made my home the past 8 months. Additionally, I added a page for where next, because after living in so many houses there is a high chance a new one will be approaching.

Additionally, I think I am going to completely re-do my book. I want to print off pictures of every house I have lived in. Then, I want to water color them to add some of myself onto them. Under each picture I want to have the address and a sentence, for the later ones, of a major event that occurred when I lived in that house.

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