How I Became My Mother Prototype #2

Goals: My goals for this prototype were to correct the errors in my previous prototype and use the new ideas I got: use a cut out and exclamation mark, using the correct number of pages, and adding more images.

Fulfilling these goals: I was successfully able to make the cut out of the spider. I also redid the structure of my book to include the correct number of pages that I needed. I also increased the font size in this prototype which I think looks better than in the original prototype.

What I wasn’t able to do: For this prototype I still did not use the floral print paper that I will use in my final draft because I only have a limited amount and did not want to experiment with the cut out on this paper. I also still only used black and white images because I do not want to use color until the final copy to reserve resources. Therefore, the color blue is still missing but will be in the final draft. I also forgot to include a text box on the page with a cut out saying “pull string.” The string with the spider attached was also a little too long.

What I learned: In this draft I learned how to make a cut out and how to improve the layout of my book. I also learned where I wanted to put new images and what image to put. I also discovered that some of my images were a little too large for the paper that I used, but on the paper for the final draft they will be able to fit.

Note: Back cover not shown because it is just a blank page.

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