
Spring semester means many different things for the students at Davidson College. For some, its returning from (or leaving to go) abroad. For others its initiation to frats and eating houses. For even more its a step closer to summer and graduation. For the students on campus, there is one unifying weekend long event that brings about a general sense of camaraderie each April, and thats Frolics. 

Frolics is a series of events that encompass and entire weekend in the latter half of the spring semester. Filled with free food, concerts, and fanny packs, its the penultimate party atmosphere that signals that the end of the semester is on the horizon—both a gratifying and terrifying thought for many. Essentially, Frolics represents the last big weekend for many students to do something other than study for their upcoming finals.

Urban Dictionary took liberty with defining Frolics, but their interpretation is, to an extent, accurate for many students who partake in the events during that weekend:

“A protracted period of debauchery and drunkenness. This tradition originated with the “Spring Frolics” of Davidson College where a near lawless society develops over the course of the weekend. If you remember Frolics, you’re doing it wrong.”

Beginning on Friday, Patterson Court lawn is filled with people enjoying good weather, music, and company. The difference between this Friday compared to every other Friday in the semester is the sheer multitude of people that come out to socialize in this way. There is certainly more than one party spot to drop in at, with at least two fraternities or eating houses open each night for people to come and go in. Often, these houses compete to have the loudest music, which can make for a gnarly mess of sound if you’re just wandering around the lawn.

The Saturday of Frolics is the best day, in my opinion. Again, there are swarms of people outside, and everyone is socializing, seemingly happy and bright. In addition to the music that Friday had, Saturday also has free food, lawns games, and giant slides.

I’m a total extravert. Put me in a room of people and I’ll make a friend. Put me on a lawn with warm weather and lots of happy people, I’m in heaven.

Its not just the surplus of people that come out to enjoy frolics that I love, but the general sense that everyone came out to enjoy themselves and the weekend. Its the one weekend a year at Davidson where I see the most people out and enjoying their lives, and since this kind of celebration only happens annually, it only makes the experience even more special.

My best friend studies at CPCC, and in conversation about Frolics to her, she mentioned how special this weekend must be, stating, “Oh, wow! I really wish I could come, we don’t have a weekend like that here.”

Frolics brings together the college community at large. It isn’t solely the regular partygoers that partake in the fun, but everyone. Its a blend of people that always go out on the weekends and those who never go out the the weekends. But regardless of how often you go out, there’s still a ton of fun to be had by everyone who takes advantage of Frolics. 


“Frolics.” Urban Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2017. <>.

Jacques, Bascha. Personal Interview.

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