Madeline Seagle

Hi everyone! My name is Madeline and I am a freshman at Davidson, planning to study biology on the pre-medical track. I am from Winston-Salem, NC and I have lived there my whole life. I am a violinist in the orchestra at Davidson and I also play the piano.


My family has always been a huge motivation for me. My parents are so supportive, I hope that my success one day makes them proud and thankful they spent so many years dedicated to helping me reach this success. I also consider myself to be best friends with my parents, which I know is a little odd, but as an only child they always kept me company and I am endlessly thankful for all of those times.


My happy place is on a beach in Mexico, because whenever I am there I actually take time to breathe, relax, and catch up on things I love like reading and swimming. It is a nice little break from reality that revives me every time I go.

7 Comments on “Madeline Seagle”

  1. Hi Madeline!

    I’ve never been to Mexico, it must be so nice to vacation there! Reading and swimming always sounds like a good day to me. What do you like to read? I’ve always been a fan of horror novels or poetry.

    I don’t think its weird at all that you consider your parents to be your best friends, that’s definitely how I view my mother. She and I are super close! Sometimes my friends think its odd how much I tell her, but I’m an open person and have never felt like I needed to hold anything back. (Is that weird?)

  2. Hey, Madeline, I am a sophomore here and am also planning to study biology. I say plan to because I’ve yet to declare my major and have yet to decide who I want to be my advisor (insert slightly panicked face emoji here). I don’t know if you’ve taken any biology courses here, but many of my teammates have gone through probably every science professor and most biology classes here at Davidson, so if you ever have any questions about professors or suggestions for classes to take, I have the inside scoop. They haven’t failed me yet, so I’d say they know a thing or two about the Biology department here.

  3. Madeline—

    Winston-Salem is so close to my home (Wilmington)!!

    Anyways, I also consider my mom my best friend. For some, that is super weird because your parents are suppose to be those old people who keep you away from fun and stress you out. But for me my mom is my number one gal pal. She is my mom and best friend all in one! It is definitely the best relationship to have with your parents. I am glad you have it too:) How has it been adjusting to being on your own here without them? I personally call my mom at least every other day haha

  4. Hey Madeline!

    I am also a biology major so yay I’m sure we will have some more classes together down the road! Also, like you, my family has been super helpful and supportive of me in all the endeavors I have chosen to pursue. They have become like my best friends as well! Especially while I have been away from home during college, I have developed an even closer bond with them. Getting to call them during the week is the highlight of my day! Have you discovered that you have grown even closer to your parents while being away as well despite the distance? Lastly, major props to you for being able to play not only one but two instruments! I couldn’t even tell you how to hold a violin sos. I’d love to hear you play sometime!

  5. Hey Madeline. Props to you for wanting to go the pre-med route. I’ve heard it’s tough, so the best of luck to you. It’s interesting that you say that your happy place is on a beach in Mexico. Is there a specific beach that your referencing? Or is that beaches in Mexico in general?

  6. Hey Madeline!

    Originally I thought about studying biology, but I decided that I enjoy Computer Science more. The biology department is great here at Davidson, and I thoroughly enjoyed the biology classes I took. I don’t believe that being best friends with your parents is odd. I think it is great, and I wish I had a relationship with my parent like that. I find Mexico to be a great break from reality too. Is there any specific place in Mexico?

  7. I’ve never been to Mexico, but I love to sit or walk by the ocean to relax and feel a reassuring sense of my own smallness before the vastness of the ever shifting ocean. You and Niara are both “only children.” So was my mom, at least until she was 17 (a longer story). I was really close to my mom and to her mom (my Nana), so I imagined I would carry on the tradition with my own daughters. Then I had 3 sons. Instead of trying to replicate my own experience, I learned to experience parenting as an adventure of discovery. I feel very fortunate to have 3 interesting, funny, kind, curious, and open minded sons who teach me to see and approach the world in new ways.

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