
Two human sculptures outside

ENG 393: Word-Art  |  MWF 9:30-10:20  |  CH 3187  |  Dr. Suzanne W. Churchill

You live in a highly visual culture. To be literate, you need to read and interpret words, images & the interplay between them. You need to understand how they operate in print and online. ENG 393: Word-Art examines print & digital texts that combine words & images, but it is not a course in mass communications. Instead, you’ll study some of the most complex and subtle word/image interactions, including ekphrasis (poems about pictures), illuminated books, graphic memoir, and digital poetry. ENG 393: Word-Art is a double hybrid: a study of words & images via critical & creative writing. It is a rigorous course that requires you to use your mind & imagination:

  • read & look,
  • write & draw,
  • work & play.

The course inhabits both physical & digital realms:

  • meet in a classroom & blog on this website;
  • draw in notebooks & write for web publication;
  • hack print books & design a Davidson Domain to house your digital identities and showcase your portfolio.

Explore these driving questions:

  • What are words? What are images?
  • What do words and images have in common? How do they differ? How do they work?
  • Why do we pair words and images together?

Read more about ENG 393: Word-Art

Course Description and Requirements
[pdfjs-viewer url=http://courses.suzannechurchill.com/wordart/files/2016/01/ENG393-S16-WordArt-FM-rdc.pdf viewer_width=600px viewer_height=750px fullscreen=true download=true print=true openfile=false]

Questions? Contact:

image3[1]Dr. Suzanne Churchill
Office: Chambers 3288
Office Hours: MW 2:30-4 pm, Th 9:30-11 am & by appt
E-mail: suchurchill@davidson.edu
Questions about syllabus & tech issues: ENG3930_201502@davidson.edu
Phone: 704.894.2695
Website: http://suzannechurchill.com/