Required Texts

Lynda Barry, Syllabus
William Blake, Songs of Innocence and Experience
Sean Hall, This Means That
Jacob Lawrence, The Great Migration
Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics
Claudia Rankine, Citizen: an American Lyric
Lauren Redniss, Radioactive: a Tale of Love and Fallout
Marjane Satrapi, Persepolis

Other Required Readings

Many readings are online or accessible via password under readings. Print them at the beginning of the semester and put them in a folder. If you read on a tablet or laptop, you must use an app that allows you to annotate readings. If the assigned “reading” is a podcast, take notes as you listen.

Recommended Guides

William Zinsser’s On Writing Well is the best guide to style I’ve ever read, and it’s fun to read and essential guide for aspiring writers.

Diana Hacker, Rules for Writers: a handy, efficient resource on grammar and mechanics, with a few witty examples.

Wayne Booth et al, The Craft of Research: an excellent resource for writing research papers, this guidebook provides a fresh approach to research. Gone is the boring research paper; read this book a discover how to do research you care about, want to present, and understand how to do so effectively.