SSR#1 Rewrite

Section I: Thesis Citation: Finkelstein, David, and Alistair McCleery. The Book History Reader. London: Routledge,             2002. Print. Thesis: “Bibliography is the discipline that studies texts as recorded forms, and the processes of their transmission, including their production and reception” (29). Restate the Thesis: The discipline of bibliography studies all texts as records with an attempt to understand the transfer, production, and reception of these documents. Bibliography furthermore focuses on not just… Read More

Public Hack Reflection – Aly

This project was one of the most exciting learning opportunities I have experienced over my Davidson academic career. It was rewarding to see how many students engaged with the project. My housemate who loved the project ended up purchasing the Salt and one of the comments in the feedback we received said, “You don’t understand how much this means to mean.” Additionally, the comments from our peer critique group suggest that our… Read More

Hybrid Project Reflection

My initial goals for this project were the following: derive a semiotic analysis of “Kristallnacht” – the Night of Broken Glass -, explain the semiotic importance of this historical term in people’s understanding / remembrance of the event, and see how people’s understanding / remembrance of the event would change if “Kristallnacht” was renamed “The Night of Fallen Feathers.” I approached these goals in different ways. First, I relied on linguistic theories… Read More

Self Reflection on Teamwork, Feminism and Beyonce

Our initial goal for this project was to explore and explain whether or not Beyonce was a feminist through her lyrics alone. As our project evolved, we soon realized we needed the images Beyonce provides us through music video add to the context of her words to complement her feminist messages. Our initial creative component involved erasure to highlight her feminist lyric, but we realized we needed the entire song, as well… Read More

Hybrid Project Reflection

As the hybrid project comes to an end, I release a sigh of relief. This project pushed me to think critically about not only music videos (a very interesting topic) but also literary theory itself. I felt as though I was creating my own theory of how words and images interact through music videos. I also felt like I did not have the authority to do so. The hardest parts of this… Read More


Reflection Paper I came up with the idea to do this project because I was bored and decided I would text the plot of my favorite movie to a friend of mine and see whether or not he could figure out what movie it was. It wasn’t the first time I’d done this, but it was the first time (probably because of taking this class) that I stopped and thought, “What’s going… Read More

Hybrid Project Reflection

A few weeks before we began the hybrid project purpose, I came across an article on “killed negatives” – those negatives in the FSA’s depression era black and white photograph collection that had holes punched out of them by Roy Stryker to mark them as rejected. My intention was to gather a collection of these photos from the Library of Congress archive and write a digital collection of photo essays in the… Read More

The Act of Erasure: Reflection Essay

I was vocal in class when we discussed erasure poetry about my extreme skepticism regarding this form of expression. To be honest, this was a gut creative reaction rather than a thought out argument as to why I didn’t agree with the theory about and creation of erasure poetry. So when it came time for the hybrid project I was haunted by my strong initial response and decided this would be a… Read More

Reflection on Titles and Abstract Painting

  My interest for this hybrid project dates back to my experience abroad. I put aside my major and heavy literature workload to study art and art history in Florence. My own artwork before that time had been entirely naturalistic, wanting to capture every detail perfectly. My many trips to museums, meetings with my painting professor, and experimentations with paint opened my eyes (and brain) to the conceptual side of art. I experimented… Read More

Ecstatic and Ekphrastic: A Reflection

  My initial goal for this project was to reconfigure poetic ekphrasis through ecstasy, a term which I used to describe the ekphrastic word/image relationship. Honestly, I was surprised by how receptive my commenters were to my theorizing in both the draft and the final project. However, my peers didn’t seem keen to hear more about how I persuade the reader to feel ecstatic in the traditional sense and by my definition…. Read More