Matthew’s Domain

Hello All,   I’ve enjoyed this class and especially this assignment! Please enjoy! Sorry for all the pictures of me… Domain On my honor I have neither given nor received unauthorized information regarding this work, I have followed and will continue to observe all regulations regarding it, and I am unaware of any violation of the Honor Code by others.

carrick domain

click here My personal goal was to make the domain bridge the gap between professional and just-rolled-out-of-bed casual (my preferred state of Internet being). As time goes on, I will likely need to make it one or the other, but in this liminal space of my life, I’m enjoying juggling both. Happy summer, y’all!!!!!  

India’s Domain

MY DOMAIN: I created my domain using the organic theme Purpose on Word Press. In the menu bar, you can find an about me page, a course list, my favorite ENG 393 work and my resume. The main page showcases some pictures I have taken in the last few years of places that are important to me. Enjoy! Honor Pledge: This domain was submitted on May 10, 2016 in compliance with the Davidson… Read More

Hybrid Project — Magic and Science in Radioactive: A Study of Invisible Forces

“Science is, as we all know, the uncovering of facts in Nature. As Nature discloses her truths to us, she opens the doors of understanding and reason. Those things which are looked upon as unreal, supernatural, are—one by one—proving to be the results of natural causes” ≈ Loïe Fuller ≈ Lauren Redniss’ 2010 book Radioactive: Marie & Pierre Curie, A Tale of Love and Fallout is a fascinating account of the romantic… Read More

Eleanor’s Domain

Since I’m graduating in December, I decided to focus on making a personal website that has personality (specifically, my personality) but is ultimately professional in function.

My Personal and Project Domain

I already have my own personal domain, So I created an alternate domain to showcase my Hybrid Project. Enjoy! Have a great summer everyone. Pledged: Samantha Lastres 5/10/16


Here is my domain. I think I would like to create an entire website in Muse and build it out but for right now I’m pretty happy with the website. Honor Code: Pledged AFS  


The domain, which can be accessed at, was completed in compliance with the Davidson College Honor Code and submitted on May 8, 2016.

Domain Design I designed this domain to give viewers a snapshot of my personality, a portfolio of my best works including my Word Art assignments, my resume, and a potential place to blog about future life experiences. I hope to keep my website/blog professional yet interesting so potential employers, family, and friends can see that I take my work seriously but am not a robot. On my honor I have neither given nor received unauthorized… Read More

Domain Design

For my domain I wanted to create a visually appealing, easy to navigate, and enticing website. I included pages with my resumé, my courses, and a portfolio of works from this class and from other English classes. In addition, I also added a page with my extracurricular activities. I hope you enjoy! Honor pledge: On my honor I have neither given nor received unauthorized information regarding this work, I have followed… Read More