Erasure & Race Representation in Children’s Literature

I’m interested in race representation in media, particularly children’s media. In this case, I’d like to research children’s literature, which is often didactic in nature, and is given to children at a critical time in their learning and development– How is race representation handled in children’s literature and what potential effects could white-washing have in this area of media? For the creative portion of this project, I’d like to take several popular children’s books… Read More

Epistolary writing in “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker

“The Color Purple” by Alice Walker is a moving tale about race, gender, sexuality, perseverance, and love. Though it is not the only novel to be written as a series of letters, it is a good example of how epistolary novels can convey a story and drive a plot through the eyes of only one or two characters with only the details provided in the letters. With the letters only addressed to… Read More

Expanding upon Erasure Poetry

For my hybrid project I would like to expand upon an initial study I began in my Advanced printmaking class. I used issues of Woman magazine from the 1940s and 50s as my source for the artwork. I used intaglio printmaking techniques for some of the pages, collaged, and used erasure poetry techniques to elevate words and images that related to the woman who was subscribing to the magazines. The magazines were addressed to a… Read More

Ecstatic and Ekphrastic

For my hybrid project, I would like to study poems which celebrate paintings. I am interested in how these celebratory unions can allow word and image increase one another’s power, and in the manner in which the essence of the image can be drawn out of its corporeal form to be invoked through language–both imagined and re-imagined in an instant. Essentially, I am curious about the way the image has an out-of-body… Read More

Erasure Mapping

For my hybrid project I want to take the idea of erasure and apply it to cartography. Earlier in the class, when studying Hall, we discussed power dynamics in relation to mapping and I would like to explore that further with the idea of erasure. For the critical aspect of the project I will research more on political and social implications from mapping, specifically focusing on J. Torres Garcia’s “Inverted Map of… Read More

“I liked the book better than the movie.”

  This is an oft-repeated phrase uttered by moviegoers after viewing a film adaptation of their beloved books and stories. For example, fans of the book series Game of Thrones urge that the books are better than the popular HBO series, and complain on how the show creators would change, omit, or modify material from the original, written source text. The reason I illustrate these complaints is because I want to demonstrate… Read More

Hybrid Project Proposal

I see my hybrid project following one of two possible tracks: Track 1: In what ways do we judge a book by its cover? I want to explore the design and printing of book covers and how that cover image (or with the title and author’s name, it becomes a word-image) can affect the words within the book. I think it would be interesting to take a few of my favorite books… Read More

Hybrid Project Question

Project idea/question: In many of Blake’s works, the words in the poem do not necessarily match the accompanying depiction. Is there a way to alter his poems so that the meaning of the content and the meaning of the image align? Preliminary Bibliography:    Bagwell, Amy. “Altered Books.” Web. 6 Mar 2016. Lussier, Mark. “The Contra-Diction of Design: Blake’s Illustrations to Gray’s ‘Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat.’” Visible… Read More

Hybrid: Erasure

I really liked Tom Phillips work and I want to explore erasure poems further. I would definitely want to try creating my own and place it in a larger narrative from the course. Maybe that will take me in the direction of exploring racism or erasure/remixing of poems in terms of originality versus adaptation. Works Cited Cuoco, Lorin, ed. The Dual Muse: The Writer as Artist, the Artist as Writer. Philadelphia: John… Read More

Text Re-Representations

Why do we interact with text in a certain way? Why are text presented in a certain way? What happens to the interaction if the text is changed? These are a few questions that many rebellious book publishers are asking, and they their answerschallenge our traditional understanding of the book.  By changing how a text are represented, publishers are revealing new relationships and altering how readers interact with a text. For example, Nicholas… Read More