Hybrid Project Idea– Fluxus and Artist’s Books

I have been fascinated for a long time with “Artist’s Books”, which are a form of altered books. I would like to experiment with creating my own. Another thing of interest is Fluxus, a mixed-media artistic movement that encompasses many creative forms, from music to visual art. Yoko Ono has a particularly interesting book titled “Grapefruit”, which includes texts called “event scores”. These, in my mind, act both as poetry and instructions;… Read More

A Visual Experiment in Cultural Appropriation

PROPOSAL While it is every artist’s dream for his work to have an expiration date far past that of his own physical body, when a work is wholly divorced from the name and experience of its original author, it is crushed beneath the weighty hand of misappropriation and negligence. The creation is then observed, praised, enjoyed, and manipulated as a work with no origin, no backbone, and no previous animation or aura…. Read More

Word–Art Feedback Loops (idea)

I recently watched this video by Jason Silva,  a “performance philosopher” and the host of the series “Shots of Awe”: Silva, Jason. “How Our Creations Change Us.” Online video clip. Facebook. Shots of Awe. Test Tube, 28 November 2015. Web. 2 March 2016.   I encourage you to watch the video if you are interested, but in summary, here are some of the notes I made watching the video:  Currently I am interested… Read More


I am not quite sure what I am doing but I am interested in exploring hacking a book, created a crowd sources/public participatory book, fonts, using a laser cutter, and public spaces at Davidson.   I would like to explore what it would be like to put the process of hacking a book into the hands of the public – more specifically the Davidson College public. I think it would be cool… Read More

Hybrid Hieroglyphs

I am interested in how hieroglyphs fit into the word/image dyad (specifically the one Mitchell writes of.) Are they a perfect union of the two? More word than image? More image than word? I think our first inclination would be that they are merely images, but this doesn’t seem sufficient to me.   I also want to explore a creative component relating to what might be considered some contemporary examples of hieroglyphs…. Read More

Autoethnography in Word and Image: The Selfie Project

“You paint a naked woman because you enjoy looking at her, you put a mirror in her hand, and you call the painting Vanity.” –John Berger, Ways of Seeing In light of Ways of Seeing, how can we reinscribe power insofar as portraiture and self-identity? What exchange of power is enacted through self-representation? What are all the ways we evaluate ourselves and then send that self-evaluation out into the world for others to… Read More

Erasure and Found Art and College Women

My original idea for my hybrid project was to use books written about and for college women as the fodder for a series of erasure poems about issues that effect that community (i.e. sexual assault, eating disorders, alcoholism, etc.). I think that the use of blank space and of “silencing” some of the words and giving others “voice” in erasure poems is inherently connected with what it means to be a college… Read More

Word, Image, and Music

  Words and images, as we have learned, are not mutually exclusive mediums. Mitchell’s theories on word and images, semiotics, ekphrasis, and erasure works suggest that the relationship between words and images is symbiotic. Often, we invoke adjectives such as “melodious” or “harmonious” to characterize the interplay between words and images. We tend to associate the union between the aural qualities of words and the visual qualities of images with music or musicality…. Read More

Is Beyoncé a Feminist?

Summer and I are huge Beyoncé fans. We were also considering doing a project together, so we thought that we would combine our love for Beyoncé with some of the techniques learned in class.   As a self proclaimed feminist, Beyoncé is cited as an example of feminism in the modern age. However, some people critique her brand of feminism or state that Beyoncé is not actually a feminist. We are hoping… Read More


My idea for the hybrid project centers around a concept sometimes called “protest art.” I started to get interested in this idea while I was studying in Prague, where an artist named David Cerny has been stirring things up with his artwork since the Soviet regime, and continues to shock people (including myself) with his politically charged installations. Since I’m involved with an activist group on campus, I’d like to do more research… Read More