Which Came First? The Word or the Image?

In my project, I investigated the origins of storytelling in the context of the modern picture book.  Using historical, pedagogical, and psychological research, I argue that the true meaning of storytelling comes from the image, not the word.  Answering the questions once and for all: Which came first? The word or the image. I used the digital platform Atavist for my project.  My project includes three separate components; an introduction discussing the… Read More

How Titles Affect the Way We Understand Abstract Painting

Hypothetically, I am Ann Temkin, Chief Curator of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art… Just like in 2010, I am organizing an exhibition titled, “Abstract Expressionist New York,” bringing together the work of renowned artists Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, and Mark Rothko, among others. I prepare to install Gaea by Lee Krasner. Alongside the hanging canvas, I paste a label, which lists the artist’s name and the title,… Read More

Growing Up Whitewashed

The creative portion of my hybrid project, in which I hack Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans to show the associative racial connections that an adult makes with a childhood favorite, can be found at Dr. Churchill’s office by Tuesday morning. Growing Up Whitewashed: Racial Representation and Children’s Picture Books

Killed Negatives: A Photo Essay

Killed Negatives is a digital photo essay in the style of Roland Barthes that draws source material from the “killed negatives” within the Farm Security Administration’s “Black-And-White Negatives” collection of Depression era photographs. “Killed Negatives” refers to the photographs that Roy Stryker, the program director in charge of developing the collection, violently rejected by punching a hole through the negative. Killed Negatives: A Photo Essay is available at wordart.elahefler.com. My critical and creative components are… Read More

Hybrid Project

My project became a hybrid of critical and visual component in true WordArt spirit. Prezi offers an interactive platform to explore the relationship between word and image in the music video “Video Killed the Radio Star” by the Buggles. The platform offers a preset order to view the presentation, but allows the user to create their own path by clicking around the prezi. http://prezi.com/ynklesfcx97n/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy   Enjoy.

Mental Image

My hybrid project is a beginner’s guide to mental images that is digitally formatted: http://hybrid.indiakline.com/blog/ The panels on the homepage of the website are six different unusual phenomenons relating to mental images. Each one is represented by an illustration that I drew, and in the post there is a brief explanation of the term and an account from an individual who experienced it. The website, illustrations and collection of interesting phenomenons is my creative… Read More

Beyoncé: The Sexy Feminist

Luke & Summer Our Hybrid Project can be found here. Our critical and creative components are fused together.

The Power of the Image

Examining Word-Image Relationships in the Works of William Blake William Blake pioneered the coalescing of text and image. His illuminated volumes, such as Songs of Innocence and Experience and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, serve as excellent examples of the union between word and image. Blake’s marriage of poetry and art sparks dynamic conversation between text and image and blurs the line between the poetic world and the artistic realm. Blake… Read More