Hybrid Project — Magic and Science in Radioactive: A Study of Invisible Forces

“Science is, as we all know, the uncovering of facts in Nature. As Nature discloses her truths to us, she opens the doors of understanding and reason. Those things which are looked upon as unreal, supernatural, are—one by one—proving to be the results of natural causes” ≈ Loïe Fuller ≈ Lauren Redniss’ 2010 book Radioactive: Marie & Pierre Curie, A Tale of Love and Fallout is a fascinating account of the romantic… Read More

The Semiotics of Memory

The Semiotics of Memory and Remembering Kristallnacht I am concerned with exposing the semiotic importance of the term Kristallnacht by situating it in a linguistic and historical context. Further, I am interested in exploring the linguistic and historical implications of renaming “The Night of Broken Glass” as “The Night of Falling Feathers” – a more accurate visual representation of female testimonies during the November Pogrom of 1938. Link to my critical component: Semiotics… Read More

The Emoji Primer

Marema-HybridProject Attached you will find my project. I had a mini meltdown when it didn’t convert to pdf in the correct font, and somehow Dr. Chill got it to do so with seemingly minor stress. So multiple thanks to her. –sincerely– ?  

Universal Iconic Language

hybrid project UPDATE: Works Cited Bing, Xu. Book from the Ground: From Point to Point. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT, 2014. Print. Bing, Xu and Mathieu Borysevicz. The Book about Xu Bing’s Book from the Ground. North Adams, Massachusetts: Mass MoCA, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT, 2014. Print. Blagdon, Jeff. “How Emoji Conquered the World.” The Verge. N.p., 04 Mar. 2013. Web. 25 Apr. 2016. “David Claerbout.” Xu Bing Book Review / Art Review. Art Review, n.d. Web. 25 Apr…. Read More

Erasure Mapping

  Erasure Mapping From the original maps of the “New World” to the “Tree of Life,” cartography updates over time as a product of science. In these two examples, the maps at hand reflect the facts that are readily available at the time: the Earth was thought to be flat until there was evidence that it was round. The “Tree of Life” changes with every new species discovery or genetic ancestral revelation…. Read More

Remixing the Hack – Annie, Aly, Stephen

Remixing the Hack is a collaborative public art project that utilizes hacking as a method of entry point into an inaccessible text, and scales it, moving it from the classroom into public space. Our project consists of both a public art piece and a digital website. The physical installation resides in the library. The digital platform contains the theoretical basis for the project including a discussion of mirroring/windowing and the ways in which this project… Read More

The Act of Erasure

The Act of Erasure “Does not everything depend on our interpretation of the silence around us?” Lawrence Durrell Erasure Poetry “Every something is an echo of nothing.” John Cage  The meaning of a poem flows from the author’s choice of form, words, and imagery. The poetry traditionally read and studied in the Western World has been written by straight, white, male European poets, which reflects a rather narrow scope of meaning and… Read More


For my project I set out to 1) discern the social functions of selfies in modern America and 2) name and analyze different types of selfies & how they emphasize different elements of self, using my personal Snapchat selfies as a case study. I published on Atavist. The essay is designed to be read linearly, but you can also navigate the project with the toolbar in the top left corner, which will direct you to… Read More

The Rewritten Text: Film Ekphrasis and Pieter Bruegel’s ‘Landscape with the Fall of Icarus’

The final hybrid project, as submitted by Ryan Emerick in compliance with the Davidson College Honor Code.

Ecstatic and Ekphrastic: Hybrid Project

    Ekphrastic Poem The Banquet   This sun is outspoken, outrageous— something surfacing in the seering red, some texture, some name, something behind the sun spots and perfect shape.   This is a vision of a shared shelter in the rising darkness— the texture of a moon origami-ed into the shape of the sun, unbelievably buoyant, hovering above the blue-black confusion of a soulful wood.   Nature already offers its own… Read More