#selfieproj, a draft

  The word “selfie” made it to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013, which, in academia, is the height of legitimacy. In fact, it also gained status as the 2013 Word of the Year: essentially the definition of “made it.” Those pencil-wielding, society-shaping academics define selfie as “a photographic self-portrait; esp. one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media” (“Selfie”). Ever since the normalization of the act, complete… Read More

Erasure Mapping Rough Draft

For my rough draft, I wanted to include the outline of the critical essay and a rough copy of the first map. The map is currently done in dry erase marker so I can get feedback and then, post-workshop, I will paint over it. Erasure Mapping Critical Essay Outline Introduction Mapping as way of understanding world  Introduction Tree of Life Map changes as science updates Factually based Popular projections of maps Different… Read More

Film Ekphrasis and the Rewritten Text

Rough Draft of Critical Component: Film Ekphrasis Rough Draft of Adapted Screenplay, based on Pieter Bruegel’s painting Landscape with the Fall of Icarus: THE FALL OF ICARUS  

[Draft] Killed Negatives: A Digital Photo Essay

My Final Hybrid Project is a website, which can be found here. For reference, here is my project proposal.   Works Cited: Library of Congress. “Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Black-and-White Negatives.” N.d. http://www.loc.gov/pictures/collection/fsa/background.html. Arbuckle, Alex Q. “Why Some Great Depression Photos Were. Punched Full of Holes” Mashable March 26, 2016. Accessed March 26, 2016. http://mashable.com/2016/03/26/great-depression-killed-photos/#INqrr.56Skqp

Beyonce: The Sexy Feminist

By: Luke and Summer PART I: INTRODUCTION Beyonce Giselle Knowles-Carter, best known by her mononym Beyonce, has been an entertainer since childhood. First gaining world-wide recognition as the lead singer of the female band Destiny’s Child in 1998, Beyonce began her solo career with the release of Dangerously in Love in 2003. Since then Beyonce became one of the most successful female solo acts in this male dominated entertainment industry, becoming the… Read More

DRAFT: How do titles affect the way we read art?

Hypothetically, I am Ann Temkin, Chief Curator of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art… Just like in 2010, I am organizing an exhibition titled, “Abstract Expressionist New York,” bringing together the work of renowned artists Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, and Mark Rothko, among others. I prepare to install Gaea by Lee Krasner. Alongside the hanging canvas, I paste a label, which lists the artist’s name and the title,… Read More

The Power of the Image: Examining Word-Image Relationships in the Works of William Blake

Critical Component: William Blake pioneered the coalescing of text and image. His illuminated volumes, such as Songs of Innocence and Experience and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, serve as excellent examples of the union between word and image. Blake’s marriage of poetry and art sparks dynamic conversation between text and image and blurs the line between the poetic world and the artistic realm. Blake depends on this intimate interaction between word… Read More