The Semiotics of Memory: A Draft

Semiotics and Kristallnacht: A Blurb I have adjusted my initial project proposal to narrow the scope of my investigation. I am concerned with exposing the semiotic importance of the term Kristallnacht by situating it in a linguistic and historical context. Further, I am interested in exploring the linguistic and historical implications of renaming “The Night of Broken Glass” as “The Night of Falling Feathers” – a more accurate visual representation of female testimonies… Read More

The Emoji

Why this is a draft: This is the bare bones of an outline of the project I’ve created (which is to make a grammatical lexicon for emojis. It will consist of 2 parts, which will be divided up into smaller sections, each of which won’t be longer than a paragraph or two (I’ve outlined them below).   Part 1: “What are they?” Are emojis symbols/icons/indexes/signs? In this section I will define these… Read More

Public Hack #1 Draft

  The draft for our project has 3 parts: a discussion of theory and power with regard to race, text, and hacking; a plan of action for our public hack; and the skeleton for our final hosting website and instagram. I. Theory/Critical Component ABSTRACT The source of inspiration for our project was an assignment in which we were asked to “hack” Claudia Rankine’s Citizen. The hack provided an entry point into a text… Read More

Ecstatic and Ekphrastic: Hybrid Project Draft

    Ekprastic Poem The Banquet   The sun is OUT sheathed in green.   Something surfacing in the seering red some texture, some name something behind the sun spots and perfect shape.   The earth’s children is a harbor for her the texture of a moon all origami-ed up into the shape of the sun.   This is a vision of a shared shelter in the rising darkness.   Nature already… Read More

Universal Iconic Language?

An Outline for my whole project: CRITICAL COMPONENT Examining iconic language and its history Intro to Xu Bing’s Book From the Ground, From Point to Point as a case study in iconic language Examining pictograms or emojis as a language Grammar syntax how we read them differently than words iconic practicality CREATIVE COMPONENT 3. Create my own pictogram story made from emojis, that college aged students should be able to understand One that… Read More

Hybrid Project Rough Draft

Hello word-artists,   To begin with I would like to state that my project went through a large adjustment from the idea to proposal to draft stage. Through the process I explored the literary, musical, and cinemagraphic world. Finally I have pinpointed my project to the study of the interaction between word and image in the music video “Video Killed the Radio Star” by the Buggles with an emphasis on our favorite,… Read More

Which came first? The Word or the Image? (Draft)

The paragraphs drafted below are part of my argument that “the image” is the  true origin of storytelling.  I expect this to be approximately 3,000 words. After that is completed, I will write a response discussing the implications of “the image” as the true origin of storytelling where I will challenge my own argument. Which came first? The Word or the Image? The study of word-image relations involves examination of William Blake’s… Read More

Draft: The Impact of Erasure

Erasure “Every something is an echo of nothing” John Cage  Although the specific subgenre of erasure poetry is relatively new, it can be argued that all poetry is a form of erasure (Macdonald). After all what truly survives of art “inevitably ends up as artifact” (Macdonald). The artifact which poems become will be shaped and interpreted based upon the conventions and beliefs of a specific time period. For example, “White Man’s Burden”… Read More

Mental Image: A Beginner’s Guide

DRAFT Creative Component: My creative component will be a website where there will be a lot of different things you can explore that are connected to the mental image. For example here are examples of unusual experiences involving mental images that the website will explain with accompanied examples/images: -Aphantasia -Eidetic Memory/Photographic Memory -Blindness in terms of mental imagery -Synesthesia Critical Essay (a sample): How can we think about mental images? This question… Read More

Growing Up Whitewashed / Hybrid Project Draft

Fixed the pdf! Hybrid Project Outline