Partner Projects

Due Dates
  • Post drafts to website (category = partner project draft) by Friday, Feb. 19, by midnight.
  • Post comments on your peer critique group‘s essays by Monday, Feb. 22, at midnight. Include a “selfie” comment evaluating your own project as if it was written by other students in your peer critique group.
  • Post final versions (category = partner project) by Friday, Feb. 26, by midnight.

Everyone in the class has been paired with a partner using a random Team Maker. One group includes 3 students (more on this trio below). Half the pairs will compose a supplemental chapter to This Means That, and the other half will choose an ekphrastic poem and compose a dialogue between the poem and the painting. Each pair or group may choose which option you want to pursue.

Option A: Semiotic Supplement

Create an additional chapter for This Means This in blog post form (1 image/visual artifact + 750 words max). Exercise your critical thinking skills and creative faculties. Think about the translation of Hall’s text from book to digital form. What concept is missing from his text? How might you amend, refine, or supplement an existing concept? What new media form or genre might generate a new semiotic concept or require you to rethink an old concept?

Option B: Ekphrastic Encounter

Choose one of the ekphrastic poems from the assigned collection and create a dialogue in blog post form between the poem and the painting (1 image + 750 words max). Your dialogue will personify and give voice to the poem and the painting (or, if you wish, between the poet and the painter), putting them in conversation with W. J. T. Mitchell’s “Ekphrasis and the Other.” Will your dialogue reflect or enact one of Mitchell’s three phases of ekphrasis (hope, fear, indifference), or will it necessitate discussion or enactment of an alternative phase of ekphrasis that you name and define?

Trio Challenge

The 3-member partnership has the challenge—and opportunity—to triangulate this assignment by bringing in a third term or perspective to the word/image dyad. You are encouraged to think creatively about how you might adapt this assignment to accommodate three voices, perspectives, and authors.

Process Reflection

Each essay should conclude with a brief reflection (1-2 paragraphs) on your collaborative process, explaining who did what, how you worked together, what challenges you faced, how and if you overcame obstacles, and what you learned from the process of working together. This reflection may be co-authored or each partner may write a separate reflection.