Citizen Hack

Due: Friday, March 18, at the beginning of class


Claudia Rankine’s Citizen: An American Lyric is full of contemporary cultural references, ranging from tennis star Serena Williams to murder victim Trayvon Martin, which may be common parlance today, but a decade or two from now may require footnotes or annotations to be understood.

You will receive several pages of Citizen. Your job is to “hack” the pages, figuring out the most effective way to annotate them for future audiences. You must decide what should be annotated and how best to annotate your pages.

Bring your hacked pages to class on Friday, and we will attempt to reassemble the volume.

In addition, take good quality photos of your hacked pages, crop them neatly, and resize them to approximately 600 x 800 pixels. Upload them into a blog post (category = Citizen hack) and include a reflection (250 words max) on your hack. Your reflection. Please tell us:

  • what, how, and why you decided to hack in the way you did;
  • an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of your effort;
  • what you learned about the Citizen in the process of hacking your pages;
  • how your pages related to the work as a whole.