Add Team Member

  • Due Wed., 1/13, at the beginning of class
    • In class, we will show you how to join the course team by adding a new team member, pasting your text, and uploading your image to the course website
    • You’ll check these categories: About Me, [your first name], student post
    • You’ll include featured image, works cited, and pledge
  • Comments due, posted to website, Mon., 1/18 (minimum5 comments, distributed equally among classmates)

Write a short biography of yourself (150 words max). Don’t worry about capturing yourself perfectly. Think of yourself as a work-in-process. By the end of the semester, you will design a domain of your own, featuring an “About Me” post that may be the same, or may be radically different.

Make sure that you have electronic access to your 150 word (max) bio and one image (ideally a recent photo of you) in class on Wednesday, 1/13, and bring a laptop to class if you can. You’ll “add a new  member” in order to join our “team,” paste in your text, and upload the image. Your posts will appear where Langston Hughes, Mina Loy, and Oscar Wilde appear. Think about it—where else where you be able to take the place of these literary and artistic giants?!

Instructions for adding a New Team Member:

  1. Login to the course site and go to the dashboard
  2. Click on Team in the left sidebar
  3. Click on Add New Member
  4. Enter your name and paste your 150-word bio into the text block.
  5. Scroll down and fill in your title, the URL to your Davidson domain, and any social media handles you want to share with the class. Note: you do not need to include an excerpt from your bio.
  6. Select the category “Featured Team”
  7. Publish/save your post.