Website Customization Help Links

(I originally posted these links in my domain post, but thought they get more traffic here)


I found a couple of online tools that really helped me in coding/ customizing my domain and I wanted to share them here in case anyone else is planning to do further customization to their site moving forward:

  • I LOVE font icons (you might be able to tell from my site) – Font Awesome has a comprehensive list of the icons and their codes
  • Need more colour? Color-Hex is the best site I have found (both in terms of scope and for usability) for finding our colour hex codes. You can also view “palettes” that users have created, which is helpful for inspiring site-wide colour schemes
  • W3 Schools is immensely helpful for answering all your code questions
  • I Am Charts is an amazing open source Java Script site/program, that lets you build custom, embeddable graphics. Java Script is still well beyond my skills, but they have an in-browser customizable maps function that is very easy to use and can still be imbedded into your (copy the code at the bottom of the page into the “Text” tab in on the editor window of your post/page) or shared directly to your social networks.

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