My Domain

My domain can be found here.

I was honestly surprised by how much fun I had completing this assignment. It was almost cathartic to create something with a focus on organization and design. The biggest goal for my domain was to make a site that was user-friendly. I user tested this site a lot with my friend Katy Williams, so I owe her a big thank you for putting up will all of my antics. My site went through a lot of thematic changes, as I found a lot of themes that seemed to work, but once I looked at my site they altered something. For example, one theme would not allow me to bold things in a noticeable way, and another would not let the links I placed on pages or posts be a different color. This would have been extremely confusing to my users, so I finally settled on the current theme of my website.

With my domain, I focused on work that I have done at Davidson of which I am especially proud. Therefore, in addition to all of my Word Art assignments, I also put my final paper for Gendered Communication in Society, and the research poster my Diversity and Extinction Analysis class put together this semester. I used these two assignments to model how I will be able to upload more assignments in the future.

I also left a section open to model how I can add on to my domain. I labeled this section Animal Experience and plan on making it an area to showcase my strength as a veterinary school applicant.

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