Graham: The Website

That’s right, I finally went to a media tutor. #anniesadler. She is actually amazing.


Here’s the site.

It’s simple, fairly straight forward. Yes, there’s no fancy pictures or widget thingies,  but considering how I entered this project, I left it feeling extremely satisfied. How I entered it was thinking I already had a domain set up. But then I realized I didn’t. That’s how bad at this I am. Now I think I have a domain set up and I do. This is a vast improvement.


The thing I enjoyed most about this project was how using an online platform lets you put things up next to each other in a really readable way. Once I’d picked what pages I wanted to put up, I started to realize what was important to defining me. And what roped them all together. Along that path I found out that all of these things I like to do are a form of storytelling, which is what I talk about in my About Me.


So you could say that building this website was kind of a soul-searching mission.

Happy summer comrades.

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