Cordelia’s Domain

My personal goal in designing my domain was to keep it simple and straightforward. I wanted a place where I could show my resumé and some of my work and keep it to the point. This website is something I hope to add to over time, as I publish more of my writing, and record some of  my music.


While I’ve worked with WordPress significantly before (I ran a highly successful Webkinz blog when I was 11), there were a lot of issues I encountered that I had to overcome, and some that I never could. Even just inserting a pdf onto a page proved to be more difficult than, quite frankly, I believe that it should be.

Overall, I am most proud of the work that I have written creatively, be it music or poetry, but I do not want to publish it online until it is published. This is so the domain does not affect any future attempts at publication and so that a greater protection in terms of copyrighting can be enforced.

I really did enjoy building this website and I hope to continue adding to it and customizing it as I progress at Davidson. Who knows, I might even use it when I’m in Sweden next semester, documenting my trips to Ikea and whatnot.

Anyway, without further ado, here is my website!


Clarifying link:


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