Andrew’s Domain

Here is the link to my domain.

The my main goal in making my domain was to showcase my extracurricular opportunities and leadership roles.  I see myself using this domain most as a way to communicate my experiences to medical research programs, global health organizations, and (eventually) medical .  I really love the work I have done in all of my English courses, but my Partner Project on “The Lady of Shalott” is definitely (and regrettably) of less interest to medical schools than my medical service trip to Ecuador.

I really enjoyed making the domain! I have never had to design a website before, so learning how to use wordpress from the ground up was really exciting.  I’m interested in learning more, so if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve my domain, please let me know! I have enjoyed looking at my classmates domains, and I am definitely going to improve my domain by studying theirs.  I had a great semester! Word Art was a lot of fun! Thanks Dr. Churchill!

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