Majo Arias — Domain

Work in Progress 

Hybrid Project Reflection

My initial topic idea (Fluxus and artists´ books) quickly got replaced by something I was much more interested and passionate about. I have always been fascinated by the interplay between disciplines that seem too different in their ultimate aims and function to be considered simultaneously. These two interests were Art and Science, and the case of study was Redniss´ book Radioactive. As I began my research and discussions with classmates (shout out… Read More

Main Jane Domain!

Excuse the rhyme, here’s the link to my domain! I made another domain for my art portfolio earlier this year. Here’s the link for that to compare. I made it through Blue Host which was kind of a pain (this is before I knew about the wonderfully free Davidson Domains!). I wanted to create a new website, one that I can update on a regular basis and one that covers more than just… Read More

My Domain

My domain can be found here. I was honestly surprised by how much fun I had completing this assignment. It was almost cathartic to create something with a focus on organization and design. The biggest goal for my domain was to make a site that was user-friendly. I user tested this site a lot with my friend Katy Williams, so I owe her a big thank you for putting up will all… Read More

Cordelia’s Domain

My personal goal in designing my domain was to keep it simple and straightforward. I wanted a place where I could show my resumé and some of my work and keep it to the point. This website is something I hope to add to over time, as I publish more of my writing, and record some of  my music.   While I’ve worked with WordPress significantly before (I ran a highly successful… Read More

Graham: The Website

That’s right, I finally went to a media tutor. #anniesadler. She is actually amazing.   Here’s the site. It’s simple, fairly straight forward. Yes, there’s no fancy pictures or widget thingies,  but considering how I entered this project, I left it feeling extremely satisfied. How I entered it was thinking I already had a domain set up. But then I realized I didn’t. That’s how bad at this I am. Now I… Read More

Andrew’s Domain

Here is the link to my domain. The my main goal in making my domain was to showcase my extracurricular opportunities and leadership roles.  I see myself using this domain most as a way to communicate my experiences to medical research programs, global health organizations, and (eventually) medical .  I really love the work I have done in all of my English courses, but my Partner Project on “The Lady of Shalott” is… Read More

Katie’s Domain

Here is the link to my website.  Wow! So, I admit that I wasn’t super thrilled when I heard we were designing a domain for our final project. I can’t handle technology and website design seemed daunting. However, thanks to some guidance from the media tutors (shout out to Annie for saving my life) I actually came to love this assignment.   I didn’t want a super fancy or complicated website because… Read More


I’ve designed this website as a window into who I am: as a writer, as an artist, as a student, as collaborator, and as a creator. This website showcases my portfolio of hand-drawn and digital artwork as well as a collection of my written projects and several entire websites I have created around research ventures. As you explore the website, I encourage you to listen to one of the albums I have… Read More

Domain Design

This is the link to my domain. I was primarily interested in a domain that showcased my written work, which ranges from academic, critical, and creative writing. My portfolio consists of the latter as well as a collection of articles I have written for the College’s newspaper, The Davidsonian. I also wanted to give a thorough account of my academic curriculum at Davidson and provide samples of written work in different disciplines, including… Read More