Citizen Hackitizen Hack








This hack was not what I expected to do. I had wanted to create a small booklet called “collected memories you forgot to collect” going off of what Majo said in class about our expectation that all texts be immediately accessible to us. I liked the fact that I had to go look up the event and the people and some terms because what I got was more full than a footnote or a hack. So I wanted to create the smaller book that had all the hacked material but packaged it in such a way that you were still slightly alienated from the text and had to work to understand the text. I do not think we are supposed to find this immediately accessible. I had trouble finding the line between information and interpretation.

I was unable to do this because the assignment took about 4 hours longer than expected (6 hours total). I found through doing the biographies (pretty thorough ones) that phrases in the section of Citizen were vary familiar are dealt with themes the people dealt with. I soon discovered that the bold lines were spoke by Zidane. Thus, I began searching for each quotation within primary texts going at it one line at a time not realizing until much much much later that each line that is not original is the person who lies on the right page. This realization, while it might seem small, took a very long time for me to arrive at. The simple concept of reading a set of pages as one page led to incredible new discovery.

I was impressed at how often I recognized a quotation as being of an author before I understood the author/line layout. I think I was creative in my research and where I looked for things. I was ambitious in my hacking design ideas but unfortuneatly I did not have the time to complete so I wish I could have spent more time thinking about how the hack and the original text worked.




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