Hybrid Project Idea– Fluxus and Artist’s Books

I have been fascinated for a long time with “Artist’s Books”, which are a form of altered books. I would like to experiment with creating my own. Another thing of interest is Fluxus, a mixed-media artistic movement that encompasses many creative forms, from music to visual art. Yoko Ono has a particularly interesting book titled “Grapefruit”, which includes texts called “event scores”. These, in my mind, act both as poetry and instructions; sometimes silly, often abstract, and always fascinating. Here are some examples from “Grapefruit”:


Imagine one thousand suns in the
sky at the same time.
Let them shine for one hour.
Then, let them gradually melt
into the sky.
Make one tunafish sandwich and eat.


Imagine the clouds dripping.
Dig a hole in your garden to
put them in.


Think that snow is falling. Think that snow is falling
everywhere all the time. When you talk with a person, think
that snow is falling between you and on the person.
Stop conversing when you think the person is covered by snow


“Fluxus Movement, Artists and Major Works.” The Art Story. Web.








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