Views from Children

It is interesting that many of our paradigm shifts occur when we hear statements from children. In the two podcasts we listened to, a child was presented with information previously unknown to them and afterwards, could not see the world in any other way (The sky was blue/oppression and violence  towards the black race). While it may have been jarring for a little girl to suggest segregation in church, based on the information she was provided by her father, that was the only “logical” conclusion in her mind. The fact that it could even seem logical is alarming, and we see once again that the black race is suffering from an insurmountable injustice that doesn’t make sense.

-Summer and Stephen

1 Comments on “Views from Children

  1. Great connection between all 3 readings–until you wrote about it, I hadn’t connected the child’s perspective as a theme in all of the readings. What does you image say about that issue? And how do the words shape the meaning of the photograph (and vice versa)?

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