Link to Specific Quotations in Web pages

Hey- I didn’t have the time to write a tip for this, so here it is. It doesn’t work for all websites, and it takes a bit, but it does let you create a link directly to a specific part of a news article (and “The Case for Reparations” does work with it). Hope this helps! -Chris

10 Steps that Will Help You Write a Great College Essay

Preparation: Grab a handful of different colored pens, pencils, and/or highlighters. Print out a draft of your paper. I don’t know why, but you can see your writing better—or at least differently—when it’s on paper. Put a squiggly line under your thesis statement and ask: Where does the statement come? Is it precise and arguable? Does it require evidence and analysis to defend it? Go through the draft and underline the topic… Read More

Passive Voice & Paper-ease: Do’s & Don’ts

Academic writers are often addicted to “paper-ease”—or “pompousese,” as comic Stephan Pastis calls it—the temptation to use pompous or imprecise words such as “expounds,” “commentates,” “contests to,” “utilize,” “parallels,” and “elaborates on.” Never use a long word when a shorter one will do the same job just as well. Avoid unnecessary words and phrases that sap the energy and humanity from your writing: Don’t: In Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home, the author depicts… Read More

Grading with Love

I hate grading papers. This revulsion led me to innovate, so maybe misery is the real mother of invention. My thought process went like this: Papers: they hate writing them; we hate reading them. What’s wrong with this picture? So I tried to change the picture. I turned to WordPress, a platform whose beauty and flexibility I hoped would make students more excited about writing, so that I could be more excited… Read More

Tip: Syndication

Here are some steps to follow if you want to pull all your posts from Building Stories to put them on your new WordPress (Sorry if the numbering of the steps is a little confusing. I have it formatted properly in my post with letters and roman numerals, but some of the theme files are overriding my formatting). Download and install the plugin FeedWordPress You can download FeedWordPress here. Next go to your… Read More