Other Application than WordPress

When developing your own domain sometimes WordPress is not the view that you want to display. In Digital Studies we explored other applications and some of my favorites are here:

a. WordPress a. Examples: https://wordpress.org/showcase/ b. Tutorial: ‘WordPress Essential Training’ on lynda.davidson.edu

b. Omeka a. Examples: http://omeka.org/codex/Sites_Using_Omeka b. Tutorial: http://programminghistorian.org/lessons/up-and-runningwith-omeka

c. DokuWiki a. Examples: https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuinstall b. Tutorial: https://www.dokuwiki.org/manual

d. Joomla! a. Examples: http://community.joomla.org/showcase/sites.html b. Tutorial: ‘Joomla! 3 Essential Training’ on lynda.davidson.edu

e. Drupal a. Examples: http://topdrops.org/ b. Tutorial: ‘Drupal 7 Essential Training’ on lynda.davidson.edu

f. Koken a. Examples: http://koken.me/ b. I actually used this one on my website:http://digitalworld.rylandwheliss.com/

(Examples and tutorials provided by Professor Kabala)

Some of these applications are more simple than others. I very much enjoyed using Koken. It was very easy and told me exactly what I was getting. If you are looking for a different view than what WordPress provides I would recommend using a different application.

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