Tip: Recording

Hey guys!

So, a few weeks ago you may or may not have seen my charrette for One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, where I recorded myself singing the nursery rhyme from Ken Kesey’s title. I thought I’d describe how I went about doing that, just in case anyone plans on recording audio for their last multimedia essay, and wants a pretty simple way to get the job done.

So the way I recorded was using my iPhone’s “Voice Memo” app. Every iPhone has one, and if you don’t own an iPhone, I would assume that other smartphones have their own version of this app. Record what you need to, and then save it. I think the quickest/easiest way to then get your recording to your computer is through iMessage.
I send the file to my own cell phone number (not Heather’s), and then double click the sound file once I receive it in my computer’s iMessages (yes, you need iMessage on your computer to do it this way). Screen Shot 2015-11-17 at 11.00.57 AM
Something like this should come up, so press “Open in iTunes.” Depending on where/how you want your audio to be displayed, the next step is kind of up to you. I took the iTunes file, and uploaded it to SoundCloud. Then, I embedded the SoundCloud file in my post.

This might not be the way you want go about recording, and I totally get understand. I just kind of experimented with things, and decided to share my findings of how I ended up getting stuff to work.

If you would like to go about recording in a more professional way, I recently learned that the Connolly Media Lab in Chambers basement has very high quality microphones for recording things like voice-overs. You can go to http://www.davidson.edu/offices/its/for-faculty/connolly-media-lab/media-production and actually set up an appointment with Media Instructional Technologist, Matt Bielejeski, who can help you with podcasting for academic projects.

Good luck!

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