Other Application than WordPress

When developing your own domain sometimes WordPress is not the view that you want to display. In Digital Studies we explored other applications and some of my favorites are here: a. WordPress a. Examples: https://wordpress.org/showcase/ b. Tutorial: ‘WordPress Essential Training’ on lynda.davidson.edu b. Omeka a. Examples: http://omeka.org/codex/Sites_Using_Omeka b. Tutorial: http://programminghistorian.org/lessons/up-and-runningwith-omeka c. DokuWiki a. Examples: https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuinstall b. Tutorial: https://www.dokuwiki.org/manual d. Joomla! a. Examples: http://community.joomla.org/showcase/sites.html b. Tutorial: ‘Joomla! 3 Essential Training’ on lynda.davidson.edu e…. Read More

Tip: Recording

Hey guys! So, a few weeks ago you may or may not have seen my charrette for One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, where I recorded myself singing the nursery rhyme from Ken Kesey’s title. I thought I’d describe how I went about doing that, just in case anyone plans on recording audio for their last multimedia essay, and wants a pretty simple way to get the job done. So the way I recorded… Read More