Tip: Stay Focused

Hey all, Below is a link to “Stay Focusd,” a downloadable extension of Google Chrome that you can use to restrict your time on distracting sites and focus on your work. You can choose which websites you would like to block for whatever time interval you prefer. If you try to get onto the site you blocked, “Stay Focusd” penalizes you by adding even more time to the time interval you set. It looks… Read More

Stand-up Comedian on Free-writing & Finding Your Voice

Read this Medium story by a stand-up comedian, describing what he learned about free-writing and finding his own voice from another comedian, Mitch Hedberg. Then enjoy some laughs direct from Hedberg himself:

Clint Smith on Writing, Commitment & Hurricane Katrina

Read this blog post by Davidson’s own Clint Smith, reflecting on the power and limitations of language to come to terms with catastrophic loss and psychic violence.

Ta-Nehisi Coates on Writing, Failure & Perseverance

Watch this short gem of a video, in which Davidson’s 2015 Reynold’s Lecturer Ta-Nehisi Coates offers good, candid advice about writing. We’ll be reading his work later in the semester. Make sure you get a ticket to his lecture. Tickets are free, and they are likely to sell out quickly.  

Tip: How to make an i-frame

If you prefer to publish your work on your own domain (or some other platform) and display it on our site, you can create a “window” to your work by using the short code for an i-frame. Here are the steps: Log into our course site. Add a new post. Switch from Visual to Text mode (tab on top right of formatting toolbar). Paste this short code into the text box and… Read More

Tip: Annotating Web Pages

The other day I stumbled upon Diigo, a multi-platform annotator. It allows you to bookmark and annotate webpages and PDFs on your computer, tablet or cell phone. To get started using Diigo on your computer visit Diigo to set up a free account: After you verify your email, you will be prompted to install the Diigo extension if you are using Chrome or add Diigolet to your favorites bar depending on your browser. After… Read More

Tip: Separating Paragraphs

When you’re constructing a blog post, for one reason or another, you sometimes type/edit a perfectly formatted post only to discover that the published version has no paragraph breaks. I couldn’t begin to tell you why, but I’ve found a simple – if a touch inelegant – solution. When in the “Edit Post” (“New Post”) screen like this: …you have two tabs in the creation section: “Visual” (where you see what the… Read More